bright and shine.

i don't know why, but nowdays i kinda like bright colors.
baru lagi. mula masa musim lepas putus cinta baru-baru ni.
dulu suka hitam. mostly more than half of my shirts are black.
rasa macam kulit putih sikit kalau pakai hitam-hitam ni.
that's my opinion though.
tak percaya ada banyak baju hitam? nanti aku tangkap gambar.

but now i like to play with colors.
bright colors.
hot one.
i love contrast!
it makes me feel more alive.
in everyway.

and when i watch Glee, i'm just fall in love with Emma wardrobe!!
she always go all vintage and bright!!
love love love.

how can you are not falling in love with her??
do i need to say more?

eh. terletak Emma Watson yang comel ni pulak.

2 ulasan:

Hunny Maldini berkata...

yeahh be bold with colours!

Shikin Ismail berkata...

yeah! we rock kan babe. *haha ayat perasan ni* :p